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▼Dapoxetine for premature ejaculation


Premature ejaculation, also referred to as rapid or early ejaculation, is a poorly understood disorder with no single, widely-recognised, evidence-based definition. Studies based on patient self-reporting indicate that premature ejaculation is a common complaint with estimated prevalence ranging from 4%–39% of men in the general community.1 However, a lack of an accurate validated definition has made comparison of the results of such studies difficult.2 In addition, perception of normal ejaculatory latency varies by country and differs when assessed by the patient or their partner.3 ▼Dapoxetine (Priligy—A. Menarini Farmaceutica Internazionale SRL), a short-acting selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor (SSRI) is the first drug to be licensed in the UK for on-demand management of diagnosed premature ejaculation.4 In this article we review the evidence for dapoxetine and discuss some of the challenges associated with its introduction.

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