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Ticarcillin: a better vial size


When we reviewed ticarcillin a year ago1 we concluded that although it was twice as potent as its close relative carbenicillin, it came in the same vial sizes so that the potential advantages in cost and lower sodium content could not be exploited. We also questioned the adequacy of the manufacturer’s recommendation of 6–8 hourly dosage for ticarcillin (compared with 4–6 hourly dosage with carbenicillin) because the drugs have a similar plasma half-life. A more appropriate 3 g vial of ticarcillin has now been introduced. This allows 15 g daily to be administered as 3 g every 4–6 hours, corresponding to exactly half of the usual carbenicillin dosage (30 g/day). Sodium intake and cost are thus reduced.

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