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Postscript: prescribing for acute diarrhea (30 December 1983, p 101–4)


A CHART – Most of the points made in our article are also summarised in an information chart “Coping with Diarrhoea”, produced last year by the Ross Institute. It is intended as a teaching tool for professional health workers involved in the clinical management of diarrhoea, and gives basic information on clinical presentation, treatment, epidemiology and control of the most common agents of diarrhoea. A second chart summarises scientific knowledge of the major infectious agents of diarrhoea, and is intended for reference. The charts can be obtained from Miss S. O’Driscoll, Ross Institute, London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine, Keppel Street, London WC1E 7HT (cost £1 for the first and £2 for the second chart).

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