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‘Drugs for children’ - an excellent new guide


This book “aims to outline the principles and problems of drug use in children and to help physicians increase their appreciation and knowledge of specific problem areas”. It is a short (180 page) handbook on safe and effective therapy for all who prescribe for children outside hospitals; it is not a textbook of paediatic pharmacology or therapeutics. The book has been produced by the WHO Regional Office for Europe. The editor and the main contributors are paediatricians from Britain, but many experts from 14 other countries helped to prepare the text, so that it is not insular.

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  • * Drugs for Children, edited by G Rylance, Copenhagen: WHO Regional Office for Europe, 1987. (SFr 30.–). Distributed by HMSO, P.O. Box 276, London SW8, tel. 01 622 3316. (£12.00).