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Third edition of goodman & gilman


We hardly ever review a book, but ‘The Pharmacological Basis of Therapeutics’ by L. S. Goodman and A. Gilman is an exception. It has always been an outstanding book, full of balanced, reliable and detailed facts about all important drugs. This is still true of the third edition (Collier-MacMillan 1965, pp. 1785; 180/-) which marks a major change, for it has been largely written and re-written by 42 experts: Goodman and Gilman have concentrated on rigorous editing. Anyone who wants detailed information will find it here, backed with ample references, and we recommend it to all who have a more than average interest in drugs. It does not aim to help directly with the choice of drugs in practice, and it contains little about general principles. Some drugs marketed only outside the United States are naturally not mentioned.

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