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If NHS resources are to be deployed to give maximum benefit to patients, then health technologies – a broad term that includes all the methods used by health professionals to promote health, prevent and treat disease and improve rehabilitation and long-term care – must be rigorously assessed. Assessing the Effects of Health Technologies* is a report from an advisory group appointed by the Department of Health’s Director of Research and Development. The report, which is published today, describes ways in which the NHS should be involved in research on health provision and discusses how the results of such research could be implemented.
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↵* Assessing the Effects of Health Technologies: principles, practice, proposals. Advisory Group on Health Technology Assessment for the Director of Research and Development, Department of Health. Obtainable free of charge from the Department of Health Research and Development Division, Richmond House, 79 Whitehall, London SW1A 2NS. Tel: 071 210 5556; fax: 071 210 5868.