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Iron and folic acid in pregnancy: a new tablet


Earlier this year (Drug Therap. Bull. March, 17 p. 22) we concluded that pregnant women should routinely be given prophylactic iron and folic acid, preferably in a preparation providing 300–500 mcg folic acid and not less than 80 mg ferrous iron a day. At that time no such preparation was available, but Arthur H. Cox & Co. Ltd. have now made one in response to our suggestion. Cox’s tablet contains ferrous fumarate 120 mg (i.e. 40 mg elemental iron) and folic acid 200 mcg. Two tablets daily provide enough iron and folate for prophylaxis; three daily can be prescribed for unreliable tablet takers. 1000 tablets cost the retail pharmacist 23/6d, so that one week’s supply costs 4d (basic NHS price). In larger quantities the tablets cost substantially less.

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