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Dequalinium for bacterial vaginosis


Bacterial vaginosis is an infection characterised by overgrowth of anaerobic bacteria in the vagina with an accompanying loss of lactobacilli, and is thought to be the most common cause of abnormal vaginal discharge in women of child-bearing age.1 Standard treatment for symptomatic bacterial vaginosis consists of a short course of an oral or topical antibiotic.2 Dequalinium, a topical antiseptic agent, has been available for many years as a treatment for oral infections.3 A new formulation, dequalinium 10mg vaginal tablets (Fluomizin–Kora Healthcare), was licensed in the UK in June 2015 for the treatment of bacterial vaginosis.4 Here, we review evidence for the effectiveness and safety of dequalinium vaginal tablets in the management of bacterial vaginosis.

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