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Review of: Parr JR et al. Drooling Reduction Intervention randomised trial (DRI): comparing the efficacy and acceptability of hyoscine patches and glycopyrronium liquid on drooling in children with neurodisability. Arch Dis Child 2017;103:371–6.
Key learning points
Hyoscine patches and glycopyrronium liquid were compared in a 12-week single-blind study in children with neurodisability.
There was no statistically significant difference in the mean reduction in Drooling Impact Scale score between the two treatments.
More children taking glycopyrronium liquid remained on treatment at 12 weeks compared with those using hyoscine patches.
Hyoscine patches and glycopyrronium resulted in a similar reduction in severe drooling but by 12 weeks more patients had stopped hyoscine treatment.1
This multicentre single-blind randomised controlled trial compared a hyoscine skin patch with glycopyrronium liquid for the treatment of severe drooling in …
Provenance and peer review Internally peer reviewed.
Contributors DTB Team.