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Low-dose aspirin for prevention of pre-eclampsia: when over the counter just isn’t
  1. Joanna Girling
  1. Department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology, West Middlesex University Hospital, Middlesex, UK
  1. Correspondence to Dr Joanna Girling, Department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology, West Middlesex University Hospital, London, UK; Joanna.Girling{at}

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Pregnant women should be booked by their midwife by 10 weeks and 6 days’ gestation to optimise informed decision-making about early pregnancy care such as antenatal screening tests and the need to start low-dose aspirin for those at high risk of pre-eclampsia.1 2 Pre-eclampsia remains the leading cause for iatrogenic prematurity in the UK and a significant cause of maternal morbidity, and inpatient antenatal care. There is well-established high-quality evidence that low-dose aspirin is effective in reducing pre-eclampsia (as well as reducing the risk of preterm birth, fetal growth restriction and stillbirth) in women at risk of this condition, and that it is safe for mother and baby.3 The National Institute for Health and Care Excellence recommends that women with one high risk factor (chronic hypertension, chronic renal disease, …

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