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On 4 November 2021, the Medicines and Healthcare products Regulatory Agency (MHRA) announced that it had approved molnupiravir (▼Lagevrio) as the first oral antiviral drug authorised for COVID-19.1 In its press release, the MHRA chief executive was quoted as saying, “Lagevrio is another therapeutic to add to our armoury against COVID-19. It is also the world’s first approved antiviral for this disease that can be taken by mouth rather than administered intravenously.” Shortly before 11am on the same day, the Secretary for State for Health and Social Care posted a video on social media extolling the benefits of molnupiravir, suggesting “in clinical trials this treatment has been shown to reduce the risk of hospitalisation or death for COVID-19 patients who are most at risk by 50%.”2
Molnupiravir is indicated for treatment of mild to …
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