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A number of analogues of testosterone are claimed to relieve chronic fatigue; to improve well-being, appetite and weight, especially in the chronically ill and the aged; to shorten convalescence from surgery, fractures, wasting disease, acute and chronic infections, and severe burns; to relieve osteoporosis; to combat catabolic effects of prolonged corticosteroid therapy; and to stimulate retarded growth and weight gain in children. Among the steroids offered for such purposes, and with the claim that they are less androgenic than testosterone, are: methandienone (Dianabol - Ciba), methandriol (Stenediol - Organon), methenolone (Primobolan - Schering, Berlin), nandrolone phenpropionate (Durabolin - Organon), norethandrolone (Nilevar - Searle), oxymetholone (Adroyd - Parke, Davis; Anapolon - ICI), and stanozolol (Stromba - Bayer). These drugs are all active by mouth except for nandrolone which is a long-acting preparation for parenteral use.