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Pilocarpine ocuserts


The mainstay of the treatment of chronic glaucoma is the use of pilocarpine eyedrops. However eyedrops have two major disadvantages; firstly, they need to be instilled 3 or 4 times a day, and non-compliance may lead to dangerously high intra-ocular pressure.1 Secondly, a large initial dose must be instilled to maintain a satisfactory degree of ocular hypotension for several hours.2 3 One drop (0.05 ml) of 2% pilocarpine instilled 4 times a day delivers 28 mg of the drug to each eye over 7 days. This relative overdosage accounts for the side effects of brow-ache, darkening of vision, and myopia that may follow the instillation of pilocarpine eyedrops.2 4

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